Support Our Mission

Every dollar stays in Huntington and
goes directly to the people who need it most.

Our Core Programs include: 

The Lift Fund
Our most important program is the Lift Fund. Established in 1956, The Lift Fund was so named because it provides a crucial boost to individuals by granting them one-time financial aid.  Our recipients are usually independent families whose means are insufficient to see them through an unexpected crisis.

Money from this fund has helped “lift” hundreds of Huntington residents out of emergency situations by providing funds to pay hospital, medical, and dental bills, mortgage and rent payments, food, clothing, and utility bills and a variety of other expenses.

Camp for Kids
Having a special interest in the needs of children, each year the League pays camp expenses for dozens of children who otherwise would not be able to attend camp and would be left to fend for themselves during the summer months. Generally, these children come from difficult domestic environments and benefit greatly from the experience of having a safe haven, guaranteed daily meals and the carefree joy of childhood.
Holiday Charities

In late November each member sponsors a Huntington child/children and provides him or her gifts of food, clothing, toys, household items and gift cards to grocery and department stores. Through the Holiday Charities program the League is able to provide families with all the trimmings for a truly memorable holiday.

Backpacks for Success
This joint program with the Town of Huntington sends kids back to school well prepared with their heads held high and ready to learn. Using supply lists from local schools, the League coordinates the purchase of hundreds of backpacks filled with new school supplies for local children who live at or below the poverty line.

The Charitable Children Fund
A junior and more informal version of our Lift Fund, the Charitable Children Fund provides necessary and immediate small-scale resources to a child or teen in time of need. Monies are generated through various grassroots fundraising efforts of young people and donations from our supporters.
The JUNIOR Junior Welfare League
Founded by The League in 2010, the JUNIOR Junior Welfare League (JJWL) is a hands-on charitable club for girls in grades 6-12.  The goal of the JJWL is to light a spark of volunteerism in its young members and to teach them how to help others in this community and whatever community they find themselves in throughout their lives.  Members perform community service at various locations around Huntington each month.

The Diane C. Cook Memorial Health Care Fund Scholarship &
The Youth in Philanthropy Award

The Diane C. Cook Memorial Health Care Fund Scholarship, also established in 1956, provides scholarships to individuals dedicated to nursing and its related professions.  Awards are given yearly and are based on financial need and scholastic aptitude.  The Youth in Philanthropy Award, our newest award, is presented yearly to a local High school senior in recognition of her dedication to philanthropy and community service.

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PO Box 107
Huntington, NY 11743