Making Summer Safe & Fun

Having a special interest in the needs of children, each year the League pays camp expenses for dozens of children who otherwise would not be able to attend camp and would be left to fend for themselves during the summer months.

Generally, these children come from difficult domestic environments and benefit greatly from the experience of having a safe haven, guaranteed daily meals, and the carefree joy of childhood.

Children participating in Camp for Kids are referred by a variety of sources including the Town of Huntington’s Parks and Recreations Department, local schools and religious organizations, Visiting Nurse Services, and Project P.L.A.Y. 

Camp for Kids is generously funded through direct donations, grants, and our Annual Spring Luncheon.

Sponsor A Camper

We welcome donations of all amounts to support sending children to camp.


To inquire about sending a child to camp through Camp for Kids, or to coordinate a sponsorship or donation, please email